Agent’s Betrayal: Dreams Shattered
A shocking incident unfolds in Punta Pedrera as an agent named Salvador swindles 9 families, leaving them homeless. With plans to move to Ibiza, they had entrusted Salvador with their money to purchase houses from Banco Sabadell real estate, Solvia.
Unmasking a Criminal Plot
The deception began in 2020 when Salvador, masquerading as a businessman from Bilbao, aimed to sell nine pre-built chalets in Punta Pedrera. However, it was later revealed that he was involved in a major anti-drug operation and was incarcerated.
Delayed Purchases and False Excuses
Salvador manipulated the victims by delaying the property purchase, citing difficulties in bringing money from abroad. He even presented foreign bank accounts, adding to the illusion of legitimacy and trust. The affected buyers visited the houses and made preparations, unaware of the impending scam.
Broken Promises and Closed Doors
When the true identity of the agent came to light, the buyers sought solace from Solvia, but the bank denied any responsibility or assistance. The marketing of the properties was withdrawn, leaving the victims in despair and uncertainty.
Lives in Limbo
Among those affected are retirees who sold their hometown apartments to start anew in Ibiza, as well as a couple who sold their existing home on the island. Now they find themselves renting, their dreams shattered and their financial futures in jeopardy.
Uphill Battle for Justice
Seeking justice, the victims face an uphill battle as recovering their money from a drug trafficker with frozen accounts seems unlikely. While legal action may extend the perpetrator’s sentence, it offers little solace for those left in financial ruin.
Unveiling a Possible Conspiring Duo
Upon reflection, the affected buyers suspect collusion between Salvador and a supposed real estate agent, as they were caught in a web of lies. The extent of their partnership remains uncertain, adding another layer to this distressing ordeal.
From Illusion to Nightmare
Once filled with hope, these families visited the houses, envisioning a bright future in Ibiza. However, their dreams were shattered when they discovered the true nature of the false agent, a drug trafficker involved in a major cocaine operation.