Sexual Crimes in Ibiza Witness a Shocking Increase
Sexual crimes in Ibiza have experienced a staggering surge, tripling from nine incidents in the first quarter of 2022 to 29 in the same period this year, as reported by the Ministry of the Interior. This alarming escalation signifies a whopping 222.2% rise in the number of reported attacks, more than three times the figure recorded in the first three months of the previous year. Particularly concerning is the notable increase in rapes, with six incidents reported between January and March 2023, compared to only one sexual assault with penetration during the same period last year. Moreover, other sexual crimes have risen from eight to 23.
Overall Crime Rates on the Rise
Ibiza has witnessed a general increase in registered crimes, with the total number rising by 16.4%, from 1,834 to 2,135, comparing one first quarter to another. This figure also surpasses the record of 2019, pre-covid, when 2,080 crimes were registered. The upward trend encompasses both conventional crime (up 18.5%) and cybercrime, though the latter saw a comparatively lower increase (4.4%), driven mainly by a rise in the number of computer scams, reaching 285 incidents. Ibiza stands as the Balearic island with the highest crime rate per thousand inhabitants, reporting 81.3 criminal acts per thousand inhabitants, while Formentera’s rate is at 56 crimes per thousand inhabitants. The Balearic average stands at 65.7.
Various Crime Categories Experience Upticks
With the exception of drug trafficking (crime rate drops by 27.6%) and “robbery with force at homes, establishments, and other facilities” (crime rate drops by 3.2%), all types of crime have witnessed increases. Notably, home robberies have seen a significant rise of 60.5%, going from 38 to 61. Thefts, the most common criminal subcategory, reflect a rise of 10.8% in their figure, from 390 incidents between January and March 2022 to 432 during the same period this year. Robberies with violence and intimidation have increased by 16.1%, going from 31 to 36, while vehicle thefts rose from 53 to 57 (+7.5%) in the first three months of 2023. “Serious and less serious crimes of injury and riot” also increased by 29%, reaching 40 incidents after starting from a previous record of 31.
Murder Attempts and Homicides Show a Disturbing Trend
In the first quarter of 2023, there were two registered murder or intentional homicide attempts in Ibiza, compared to only one during the same period in 2022. Fortunately, no murders were consummated, mirroring the data from January to March of the previous year.
Crime by Municipality: Sant Antoni Tops the List
Among the municipalities, Sant Antoni records the highest increase in crime, rising by 22.2%. It is closely followed by Vila, with 21.8% growth, while Sant Josep experiences a rise of 12.9% and Santa Eulària records a 5.7% increase. Formentera’s crime rate rises by 8.8%, with a total of 99 crimes recorded compared to 91 in the previous reference period. The smaller population of Formentera makes the data on subsection evolution less representative.
Unspecified Crimes: The Majority
The majority of crimes in Ibiza and Formentera fall under the category of “rest of conventional crime” in the statistics, which makes their specific nature unspecified.
This concerning rise in sexual crimes and overall criminal incidents in Ibiza calls for heightened vigilance and proactive measures to ensure the safety and security of residents and visitors alike.